What Are Some Best Places to Put a Gun Magnet in Car?

With recent increases in crime, it is essential to place your gun safely. We know it’s frustrating if you cannot acknowledge where to place your gun. But it’s important to know.

There are some best places where you can put your gun magnet in the car. And don’t worry! These are quite easy to find. Plus you can easily install the gun magnet there.

For starters, the side of your car’s radio is the most common one. Under the wheel is another good option.

Best Place to Put a Gun Magnet in Car

Now, that’s just the brief. In this article, we’re going to discuss every place in your car for hiding your gun magnet.

Let’s begin!

8 Best Place to Put a Gun Magnet in Car

We’ve mentioned 8 places where you can place the gun magnet and gun.

Let’s check them out-

The Side of Your Car’s Radio

hidden gun compartment in car

Now, this is the most common placement. But with this placement, you should remember one thing. And that is: anybody approaching your automobile from the driver’s seat will notice your mounted weapon.

Still, it does allow you to keep your gun close to your right hand. So, in case of an emergency, you can easily reach for your gun.

Installation Tip

The wiring on the side of your radio may vary depending on your car’s model.

Attach the pistol magnet with strong 3M tape to avoid damaging valuables.

Beneath Your Car Steering Wheel

Still not sure where to hide gun in car?

This might be a way of hiding a gun. The car gun magnet should be installed around 8 inches below the steering wheel. The handgun is placed below the steering wheel, and both legs cover it.

But this placement is a bit unpleasant. Because the weapon juts out and restricts leg movement when driving.

Installation Tip

You can screw in the gun magnet without injuring essential components. But make sure there are no impediments behind the steering wheel.

The Center Console

where to put gun in car

This might just be your preferred one. Gun owners conceal firearms in their automobiles like this. But there’s still a downside. And that’s: escaping with your gun is more complicated this way.

Installation Tip

Place the gun magnet to the console cover, side, or bottom. To get to the gun, you have to unlock the center console. If no screws can be used, 3M tape the gun magnet on.

The Side of Center Console

Still, looking for the best place to conceal a gun in a car?

In this case, the gun magnet is on the driver’s side of the center console. It’s much easier to reach for the gun in an emergency since it’s nearby.

Remember, with this one, the gun will seem less natural to a criminal. It’s also visible from the driver’s side.

Installation Tip

Buy a low-profile gun magnet or put it higher on the center console. Otherwise, the gun will chafe your leg.

Car Door

best place to conceal a gun in a car

In this placement, you have to attach the gun magnet to the driver’s side door. You may draw your firearm at any moment.

But this one is on the driver’s left side. The firearm is, therefore, harder to reach for a right-handed individual.

Installation Tip

Make sure the pistol grip is far enough away from the door handle. If it’s too close to the door handle, the gun magnet may be tough to remove.

Car Door Side Panel

Wondering if there’s a hidden gun compartment in car?

Well, this placement can be the best one in that case. This technique of concealing does not need much effort.

You have the choice of utilizing a gun magnet. But you can just insert the pistol in the side panel since it functions as a pocket.

Installation Tip

Screwing the gun magnet in may be challenging. It depends on the amount of space available in the side panel.

While you’re installing the gun magnet, put it in the panel using a strong 3M adhesive.

Under Your Car Seats

In an emergency, this placement is a challenging one. Because the area behind your car seat is hidden from the view of prying eyes. But this is a better long-term method to place a pistol in a car.

Installation Tip

Installing a gun magnet beneath a car seat isn’t easy. If possible, bind the gun magnet to a robust metal object using 3M tape.

On Your Car Roof

Still, looking for places to hide a gun in a car?

We have another option here, that’s on the car roof.

For this, a low-profile gun magnet is positioned near the sun visor. This way it will be undetected from all angles this way.

If a thief approaches your car, gently reach one hand aloft. This is a routine action that no one will hesitate to perform if the gun is placed this way.

Because your hand will be positioned to extract the rifle from the roof’s gun magnet. You may easily pull the firearm in an emergency and defend yourself.

Installation Tip

When placing your firearm on the gun magnet, point the barrel towards the window. It should be on your non-dominant hand’s side.

Right-handed shooters should aim for the driver’s side window. You can draw the weapon quicker because the grip is on the right.

Underneath Your Car

This gun magnet installation can cover up pistols and heavier weapons. So, it’s a great way to hide your gun magnet and gun.

Installation tip

It’s natural not wanting to drill into your car’s floor.

So, you have two options. Install the gun magnet with 3M tape. Another one is you can place it on the pistol’s slide/stock. It should be against a magnetic region on the car’s floor.

You’d reach beneath the car and pull the handgun. This way you’ll bring the gun magnet with you.

Bottom Line

That’s all on the best place to put a gun magnet in car. These are all the places you can place your gun magnet. Ultimately, the gun magnet setup you pick for your automobile is a matter of personal choice.

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