Are Stainless Steel Guns Magnetic?

A lot of information is roaming around the internet regarding if stainless steel guns are magnetic. But without proper explanation, it is difficult to come to an accurate conclusion. Plus you can face severe danger.

But worry not, you’re not the only one who is confused about this topic.

You won’t feel clueless anymore. We’re here with the accurate information that will help you to understand the whole topic.

Are Stainless Steel Guns Magnetic

Almost all stainless steel alloys include sufficient iron to be magnetic. But stainless steel guns are not always magnetic. It’s due to the higher level of nickel in some guns.

Now, that’s just the brief. Got a couple of minutes for it? Let’s begin!

Which Steel Is Stainless?

Stainless steel alloys have at least 10.5 percent chromium in them.

The steel’s chromium concentration confers unique properties. This includes high corrosion resistance.

This property is what makes stainless steel rust-free. It also helps the steel to rebuild itself. It will work even though it’s being scratched or damaged.

But it’s not like plated steels, which are often marked. It eventually corroded due to those scratches.

Will a Magnet Stick to Stainless Steel?

Yes, most stainless steel alloys have enough steel or basically iron to be magnetic.

But stainless alloys do not always attract a magnet. This is because there are existing multiple varieties of stainless steel. The most common one is ferritic and the other one is austenitic.

will a magnet stick to stainless steel

There are variations in atomic configurations between ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. Ferritic stainless steels are usually magnetic, while austenitic stainless steels are not.

Ferritic stainless steel is magnetic because of its high iron content and essential structure. If nickel is added during the production process, the produced product would be austenitic stainless steel. This is non-magnetic.

Let’s take the Mark III (KMKIII-512) handgun as an excellent example. A magnet will attract the barrel and receiver, but not the lower grip frame.

Check: Are Gun Magnets Legal in Florida?

Still Unclear About Are Stainless Steel Guns Magnetic?

We’ve put the explanation in simple words below-

The “real” stainless steel, such as the 300 series, is not magnetic. Because the nickel level in these guns are more.

Then there’s the 400 series. The stainless steel used for this series of guns has little nickel in them.

As a result, they are known to be magnetic, unlike the 300 series. However, the 400 series stainless guns are not as magnetic as plain iron or steel.

So, what’s the differentiating part of whether a stainless steel gun is magnetic or not? It’s the nickel or iron level.

Moreover, the majority of bullets are not ferromagnetic. Ferromagnetic metals are metals that inherently attract magnets. This explains why they are not attracted to magnets.

But eddy currents may cause the magnet to exert some force on the bullet. The magnetic field may create very minimum currents in the electrically conductive material. It causes while moving like a magnet along a copper conduit.

What Magnet Sticks To Steel?

The magnetic force permeates the stainless steel and reaches the underlying material. So, a strong magnet will stick to the stainless steel skin of an appliance.

This is relatively thin. And not to mention the underlying core has a ferromagnetic composition. So, magnets will securely adhere to these metals.

Bottom Line

We’ll be parting our ways with this. Hope this solves all your dilemmas about stainless steel guns magnets. We hope you find the information helpful! Good luck!

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